Sunday, July 09, 2006

The "Canadian Connection"

If I hear one more idiot talking head blathering on about a Canadian Connection(tm) in regards to the latest bunch of "Gong Show Terrorist Wannabes" to be arrested, I'm going to scream.

For crying out loud, the fact that one of these inept clowns attended "a Quebec University in the 1990s" doesn't make him Canadian. This is nothing more than fear mongering - an attempt by various people to "scare" Canada into adopting a security policy that is neither necessary, nor justified.

This latest round of arrests - and the claims made along with them - are likely the first of many we will see in the coming months as the US midterm elections race gears up. The Rethuglicans have been very successful playing the fear card, and I suspect strongly that there is some considerable collaboration going on between Ottawa and Washington these days which will cause the "Canada Connection" card to get played repeatedly in the coming months. Of course, this will be "assuaged" by some "promising" policy announcements from a "cooperative" Canadian government - strategically timed to show both countries how "wonderfully" their politicians are protecting them from the "evil buggers".

Just for giggles, I'm going to guess that another "Toronto 17 cell" will be magically uncovered sometime near the November elections - or mere months before Harper's minority government is likely to collapse.

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