Friday, May 26, 2006

The HarperCrit, Wingnuts and the Media

My, my, my - what stew the news is making this morning.

First off, we have Harper and Defense Minister O'Connor contradicting each other about the issue of media access to the return of the bodies of our fallen soldiers. One of you two twits is lying through your teeth - and I have a sneaking feeling it's not O'Connor.

Then, we move right along to more about the PM being utterly intransigent in his little temper tantrum with the media. What Harper's forgetting is that the Parliament Hill media will eat just about anyone alive - regardless of party stripe. Harper needs to grow up and realize that he's not in his "safe home ground" of Alberta any more, and it's a big ugly world out there where there's more opinions than his.

Lastly, we get a little more insight into the micromanager and wingnut struggle going on in the CPC: with the PMO giving a gag order to his MPs over two gay RCMP officers who are getting married. Apparently, Harper doesn't trust his MPs not to say something stupid. (Admittedly, after Vellacott making an idiot of himself, perhaps we can't entirely blame him for not trusting his people - it's not like the wingnuts aren't there, is it?

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