Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Conservative Arrogance and Annoyances

Today is turning into tap-dance on the CPC day:

First, in the wake of the budget, Adam Radwanski has a very interesting handle on a document that was quietly released the same day as the budget which is quite revealing of the CPC's real agenda. (I haven't found the source document Radwanski's talking about yet - if you have the link, let me know) No great surprises here, it's basically a recycle of the right-wing "smaller government better" approach that the CPC has adopted from the Republicans in the United States.

Then, we get some insight into just how effective Harper's adoption of US-style "get tough" laws will actually be - from the Americans who actually have to live with the fallout of enforcing these laws. The message? Don't do it, Canada. It's expensive and pointless.

Just to add to the mix, we learn that the CPC MPs in Ottawa are behaving in exactly the same way as the Liberals they used to criticize. For a minority government that claims to be "doing politics differently", this is a rather sad indictment indeed - even if it is predictable. (You could have waited a couple of years before sinking into the mire of the incentives trough)

In what will no doubt become one of many outbursts from impatient nutcases lurking in the CPC, we have Maurice Vellacott opening his flap about "Judicial Activism". He then turns around - after being slammed by the Supreme Court's chief justice - and issues a mealy-mouthed apology. If you want an idea just what kind of nutbar Vellacott is, here's a page of his own words. (I'll also point out that Vellacott is one of the nutcases that asked Harper to be left out of cabinet so he would be "freer" to speak his opinions - one doesn't need a very fertile imagination to guess where that leads)

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