Friday, February 15, 2008

There's Crazy, Then There's Just BatSh!t Insanity

It seems that Mr. Csillag has decided to withdraw his post. Of course, that's why Google has caches...that remember things for a long time.

It's really quite amusing, since Mr. Csillag doesn't even turn on comments on his blog - obviously he must google himself from time to time...
Via Canadian Cynic, I found one of the most amazing examples of insanity I've seen online (and I've seen my share!).

According to this guy we should use forced sterlization as a way to inhibit criminality.

At first, I might have simply written it off as parody - awful parody, but parody.

Then there's this comment:

The problem with the original act was that it was based on the biologically questionable concept of eugenics. A newer act would be based on making a long-term social investment. The system was not conducted fairly and sterilized a lot of people that shouldn't have been. IQ tests failed those who weren't proficient in the English language.

I don't know if a study has been done to prove or disprove this, but I'm going to suggest that a lot of those contributing to Alberta's escalating crime rate wouldn't have been born had the Sterility Act been kept in place.

Holy questionable assumptions, Batman! You are going to assume that criminal behaviour is hereditary? Wow. Whilst I certainly have my headshaking moments where I wonder just what possessed some people to become parents, this takes the lunacy of the pseudo-science behind eugenics to new depths.

But then, coming from a man who gushes over Ezra Levant and Craig Chandler, I don't suppose I should be terribly surprised.

From another post, he eulogizes Chandler's PC nomination as follows:

when they tossed democratically elected Calgary Egmont MLA candidate Craig Chandler out of his rightful position and arrogantly refused to reimburse campaign expenditures (even though Chandler’s positions were well known prior to his well-deserved election by select party members in Calgary Egmont).

Yes, yes. Poor, persecuted Craig. After all, he did win that first nomination. Let's just ignore the amount of hugely damaging political baggage that he brings with him. Or the party leadership's right to ensure that their candidates aren't a liability on the campaign trail.

Perhaps equally sad is his repetition of Chandler's recently invented meme in the interview column:

due to Mr. Chandler's affiliations with the Concerned Christian Coalition; of which another member published a letter titled Homosexual Agenda Wicked while Chandler was CEO., there's far more to Chandler's involvement in the Boissoin affair than just his "involvement" as CEO. There's what he's said on his "Freedom Radio Network" program, his deliberate republishing of Boissoin's letter, belligerence towards Rob Wells, that are all part of the picture. (and frankly it's a pretty unpleasant looking picture)

But then, for someone who doesn't see anything wrong with Chandler or Levant's behaviour, it's not a big leap for them to start assuming that forced sterilization is an appropriate punishment for criminals.


Anonymous said...

I believe that history has already demonstrated that this concept of eugenics to be the pseudo-science that it truly is.

According to Nazi philosophy, the very people that they were trying to cleanse the world of for the future of the 'Aryan' race were the inferior, impure, criminal and otherwise undesirable elements of humanity. Yet, in spite of their supposed genetic superiority, their racial purity, the Nazis lost and their racist ideology dismissed as the failed pseudo science that it is. And now those who have picked up this bloody banner still make the same tired, bigoted tirades against the same groups, blaming them for anything and everything.

Alberta's old policy of forced sterilization of the mentality handicapped was proven to be a failure, science again having proved that the very 'diseases' they were trying to eliminate had no direct hereditary links. So how can restarting this policy bring about the end of crime?

And that final line in his blog is the most pathetic, 'to save a life by preventing the birth of an unwanted criminal'. How can he prove that a criminal is 'born' and not made? It's our societal codes of conduct, laws and social mores that decide what is acceptable or unacceptable. One society's criminal is another's hero.

In closing, if we decide to persecute others to prove our superiority, in the end our weaknesses will become our own epitaph.


Suzanne said...

I am just writing to let you know that I've added your blog to Opinions Canada, a political blogs aggregator.

I hope that's okay with you. Sorry to spam your blog this way.

MgS said...


Anonymous said...

I actually know the guy that you are criticizing and I think you should know that he really didn't mean for any of this the way you have made it out to be. He is a really sweet and gentle guy. You can't even compare him to the Nazi's, especially when you look at his heritage. Obviously you don't have anything real to write about...

MgS said...

Ah - the "you don't have the context" defense.

Sorry, but the same basic post was taken down and then reposted a few days later with minimal changes.

From where I sit, anyone who proposes sterilization as a punishment for crime is a loon - period.

He might be a perfectly nice person face to face, his writing on that subject was way off-base, and deserved a slapping around - IMO.

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