Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dear Stephane,

It's time to grow a spine and bring down the HarperCon$ - on their track record for transparency and honesty.

Not only have you stood by while Bill C-484 was before the house for first reading; but you have also allowed a crime bill so deeply flawed to pass with barely a comment. Now, we find the Con$ sliding significant changes to the immigration act into the budget implementation legislation.

This is happening to subvert democracy, to stifle debate. Like Harper's "SLAPP" lawsuit over the Cadman affair, it is simply another example of how the Conservatives lack the fundamental honesty and openness to govern. It is time to bring them down - allowing Harper to govern one day longer than absolutely necessary is bad for Canada and Canadians.

... not that I'm holding my breath that Dion will actually do something...

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