Tuesday, March 04, 2008

What The Hell Was That?

Last night's election results are very disappointing. Rewarding a long-time incumbent party that has a relatively new leader at the helm with an increased majority is miles from what I would have expected, and even further from what this province needs.

The problem isn't a PC majority - far from it, I had expected that. However, no government works well when it has no opposition to speak of. Alberta is heading into a period in which it will be all the more critical for the government to act in a balanced and reasoned fashion. Without an effective opposition and a sense of balance in the legislature, we run a very high risk of damage worse than that which Don Getty visited upon us.

To judge from the numbers being bandied about, it appears that voter turnout was around 41% (give or take), meaning that 59% of Alberta voters didn't even bother to make their mark. To me that means that 53% of 41% decided to vote for the status quo. (If you do the math, that means just over 20% of Alberta's population actually voted PC)

Sadly, this kind of depressing number feeds into the apathy cycle, and to some extent self justifies the voter who says "nah, why bother?" when asked if they voted. In so many ways, the 'Fat, Dumb and Happy' state that the economic boom has created for many voters has resulted in a laissez-faire mentality that fails to engage in the issues.

This election was the first election in some years where it looked like Albertans might actually vote for something other than "Ralph, because he's such a regular guy". Unfortunately, none of the party leaders managed to find a "key issue" to play on, and that allowed the status quo to continue.

My guess, short term is this:

Stelmach gets to hang on for four years. (* sigh *)
Kevin Taft is likely gone within six months. (* Disappointing, I actually think Taft has some good ideas - and has been the strongest leader the Liberals have had for years *)
Brian Mason is history. ( No great loss - Mason was a good "second in command" to Pannu, but as leader didn't do so well )
The WrAP party will turn in on itself and we will see something else representing the rabid social right-wing in this province inside of two years.


Anonymous said...

That election result was very depressing.... Unfortunately the level of civic literacy is inversely proportionate to the length of time that a Conservative Government is in power. The lower the civic literacy levels are, the lower the turnouts at the polls will be and the greater the public apathy.

Anonymous said...

And what about Chandler? Can you believe that 2600 Calgarians voted for a bigot like him? yET, his political career is over, dead, gone. PACK UP AND GO BACK EAST CRAIGGIE !

I blame the leaders of the opposition parties. Taft has been little more than a pet weasel - he didn't have the guts to stand up for human rights before the Calgary Herald's editorial board.

And Mason was little more that a yappy little dog.. all bark, but no bite.

NO, I did not vote PC, I held my nose and voted Lib and my candidate was re-elected in Edmonton.


Anonymous said...

Well, apparently Stelmach's election plan of publishing a glossy outlining his achievements of the past year was an effective one. Pity that the majority of the items listed were promises made five minutes before the election, not substantiated in the budget - or the legislature.

But should we really be surprised? After all, this is the province where you can paint a fence post orange and blue - and it will be sworn into the legislature a few weeks later.

Please hold your applause folks, we'd like to officially unveil our new provincial mascot and don't want to spook it... Ladies and gentlemen, may I please present the Albertan Sheep!

Niles said...

In line last night, I heard someone say that voting was their license to bitch at what the government does, which has always been my feeling. I also heard someone moan that Ralph should come back and someone retort not to make them nauseous, whereupon an argument about the 400$ handout ensued.

So, the FEW of us that crawled over broken glass in a blizzard both ways down to the 7th level of Hell (and you really get the feeling from some people that it's that much effort)were lively and engaged. I.do.not.know.what.happened.to.the.rest.of.them.

Although, there was anecdotal talk that a lot of people who did show up to vote were not on the poll's list. And at least one of them was baffled since they'd voted in every election (that person's verbal claim) since forever. Sounds like it wasn't just the voter turn out that was lazy ass.

I'm sure Harper is hoping federal results would be the same fallout of apathy.

Anonymous said...


You comment that "there was anecdotal talk that a lot of people who did show up to vote were not on the poll's list."

I don't see how this is a big deal - or how it would bar someone from voting. All they would need to do is produce two forms of id (the poll clerks would take a driver's licence and AHC card; or any other two forms of id... not difficult at all).

It was much more difficult to vote in the recent civic election where your id was carefully screened... for the provincial election, if your name was on the votor's list, you didn't even need to produce id.

It comes down to the fact that people are lazy. They don't get involved or engaged in politics, and they don't bother to vote - after all, their one vote won't make a difference. (Although, to see how much of a difference one vote makes, go look at Calgary MacCall - currently being recounted where there is a 98 vote difference between win and lose.

And when people do bother to vote, they look for what seems familiar (and safe); they assume that since their parents have always voted Tory, that they too ought to vote Tory. And of course, we mustn't forget the fear of voting for a (GASP!!!) losing team.

Come on people! You don't win a prize from the crackerjack box if you "vote for the winner"; your name is not put up on a plaque, and you don't get the proceeds from the lottery. It's not about picking the winner - it's about picking the best representative for your interests in the legislature.

...however, if you DID vote for a winning Tory, you do get the booby prize! Schools that are falling down, a health care system that is, well, atrocious, and a province that has two classes of citizen: the haves, and the have nots.

Anonymous said...

A huge club that Taft could have used to bash the Cons over their head was his book 'Democracy Derailed'. That book had a lot of ammunition on what the Tories had been doing over the past number of years that was definitely NOT in the electorates best interest. Why Taft chose to remain silent on them we'll probably never know.

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