Thursday, June 22, 2006

There Are No Absolutes

I don't generally like to make this space linkage to other opinion pieces, but there are exceptions. Like this piece on the "other side" of the abortion discussion. Mostly because it underscores the two points that I have always felt are misrepresented:

1) That abortions are done strictly out of convenience. Along with the classical "conservative" argument about poverty being a "get a real job" problem, this is a broad, sweeping generalization with little recognition of the reality of the human condition.

2) That a woman - and her doctor - cannot make a "morally correct" decision about a pregnancy, therefore, it has to be legislated. This is perhaps the most offensive assumption in my view, as it is rooted in the utterly vacant reasoning that women are somehow less able to reason than men - especially where reproductive issues are concerned.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

many people are so quick to judge when they themselves have never been pregnant or have never known what it is like to be in a bad situation while pregnant.

I personally abhor the thought of abortion. HOwever, that translates into the fact that I would never personally get one. I don't begrudge others for doing it, and I certainly do not believe that a woman should lose the rights to her own reproductive choices. Therefore, I guess I am pro-choice. I feel that women make these choices with great difficulty, and only a sociopath or mentally deficient person would get an abortion without feeling anything. Its a tough choice.

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