Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Bottom of the Rhetoric Barrel

It seems that the Religious Reich is beginning to scrape the bottom of the barrel when it comes to rhetoric.

In response to Garth Turner apparently referring to Charles McVety & Co. as "Call it Defend Marriage Canada. Call it the Taliban. Fleurs du mal.", we find McVety and his clowns bleating:

“Garth Turner’s behaviour is a sharp illustration of the vicious and deep-rooted bigotry lurking just below the surface of the secular-left in our society,” continued Ben-Ami. “People like him claim to be champions of tolerance, but when their own ideas and positions are challenged, they resort to name-calling and fear mongering, laughably invoking the principle of tolerance to justify their bigotry.”

If you act like the Taliban, demanding to legislate your unique brand of morality over the rest of us, I can only say that Garth Turner has at least got the guts to say what a lot of us are actually thinking about the wingnuts.

For more insight into what McVety wants to accomplish, take a gander through some of Garth Turner's blog entries:

This Just In
The T Word

There's more, but reading Garth Turner is a lot more enjoyable than McVety.

When the religious bigots wrap themselves in the cloak of the oppressed, you know that their arguments have truly become empty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McVety's hero is Ralph Reed. N'ough said. McVety likes to paint himself as the oppressor being oppressed when people challenge him on hate crimes legislation and his role in increasing crimes against gay people. I received a very long-winded e-mail from him about a year ago in which he absolves total responsibility for homophobia and blames gay people for it. He is a gas bag, Jerry Fallwell/James Dobson clone. A an absolutely terrible public speakers as well. You can catch the glutton on a bigot show called

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