Friday, June 30, 2006

Talk About Twisting The Facts

The Bible Thumpers are at it again - this time, badly distorting research on the patterns of occurance for male homosexuality.

According to the idiots a LifeSite, this research suggests that if there are biological factors, then homosexuality is therefore abnormal:

If correct the theories would thus show the opposite of the normalcy of homosexuality, which the mainstream media are attempting to posit with the coverage of the study. "I was born abnormal, and therefore I'm normal is not good logic," concluded Dr. Shea.

The monumental stupidity of this misrepresentation is astonishing. Where the heck do you get "abnormal" from - the enormous variety of human physiology and psychology makes it painfully obvious that people vary enormously between each other, both physically and mentally. Using Dr. Shea's logic, one can similarly conclude that such a small percentage of the population is left-handed that being left-handed is "abnormal" {oh - wait - for centuries, left-handed people were considered "evil", touched by the devil, etc. }

Earlier this month Focus on the Family blamed the higher suicide rate among gay teens on "pro gay activism" - a twist of logic that I can only call astonishing - I would have to guess that those suicides have more to do with other factors - like a society that is often outwardly hostile to these people, and teenagers of all people are among our most vulnerable people as they are just beginning to understand themselves as adult human beings.

What really annoys me is that in both of these situations, we have perfectly reasonable research that is being actively distorted by the religious for their political ends. Neither study provides enough information to draw concrete conclusions, yet the religious reich insists upon doing so, twisting the evidence and outcomes of these studies until it matches their insane ideas.

It occurs to me that if a "purely genetic" explanation were to emerge tomorrow, that would do little more than confirm my belief in the infinite variety of humanity. (and it would do little to convince me that the blind prejudice of the religious lobby is justified, either)

Just to give a little more perspective, LifeSite published these two articles last week:

Harper's better than the liberals
But he's not pro-life enough

Good grief! How far off the deep end do these nut bars want to go? (I can guess - and it's not a pretty place).

I'm beginning to think that rather than expending resources on trying to figure out why some people's sexuality is "outside the bell curve", perhaps we should start studying what the psychological factors are that cause some people to turn into amazingly hostile religious bigots - it might be more useful to achieving some kind of peace in this world.

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