Friday, April 07, 2006

There Is No Honor Amongst Thieves

Assuming that "Scooter" Libby is actually telling the truth, it would appear that the Valerie Plame business has its roots in the Oval Office.

Why would Libby be testifying about this now? I can think of a couple of good reasons - first, he's under oath when testifying before a grand jury, and second, he might just have an axe or two to grind after being "pushed under the bus" by Karl Rove & Co. So, there's reason to believe that he's being at least somewhat truthful.

Of course, the 'talking point' coming out of a variety of BushCo apologists boils down to this: "If the President authorized it, it wasn't a leak"

Okay, let's run with that - it's not a leak, after all the President authorized it. Fair enough. Then you must accept that the President LIED TO THE PEOPLE about it - not merely once, but repeatedly. ( and no, I don't give a rat's ass that he wasn't under oath - a lie is a lie )

Remember, the talking point about Bill Clinton is that impeachment wasn't pursued because of his acts with Monica Lewinsky, but because he lied about them. Fair enough - sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would someone please just give this man a blowjob so that we can impeach him already.


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