Friday, April 21, 2006

Reasons Not To Read ...

Anything ... by James Dobson and his ilk.

Dear Abby has the following letter in her column today:

DEAR ABBY: My husband, "Ron," and I are at odds over parenting our 7-year-old son, "Brett." My husband is very domestic. He cooks like a world-class chef and does more housework than any man I know of.

I have read Dr. James Dobson's books on family. He clearly states that a father should be the manly role model for the son, to prevent the son from being homosexual. I'm concerned that Brett will learn feminine ways from my husband and turn out to be gay. How can I convince Ron that he needs to teach Brett the more manly things in life? -- WORRIED MOM IN FLORIDA

Fortunately, Abby replies with a modicum of sense:

DEAR WORRIED MOM: From my perspective, you don't need to change a thing. With all due respect to Dr. Dobson, your husband is already a manly role model to your son. He is teaching the boy important survival skills that will be invaluable when he is older. With luck, your son will turn out to be every bit the man -- and father -- that your husband is.

All that this really tells you is how utterly stupid Dobson's view of "family" really is. (although, frankly, I think Ms. Abby is being far, far too respectful of "Dr." Dobson)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DEAR ABBY: I have read Dr. James Dobson's books on family...

DEAR WORRIED MOM: ...There's your mistake.


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