Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'd Hate to Be A Creationist Right Now

Whether you are talking about theistic creationism, or the pseudo science that is called "intelligent design", I'd really hate to be trying to advocate for either of those notions right now.

The science evidence behind the Theory of Evolution continues to mount, and in the last few weeks, it seems to have done so in astonishing leaps:

Tiktaalik clearly demonstrates a significant finding in terms of "filling in" the gap between fish and land-resident reptiles. Since the creationist movement likes to insist that there has to be "intermediate" forms, and there is 'no evidence of such', I'd postulate that the biblical literalist view of creation just crumbled into utter irrelevance.

As if that wasn't enough, someone has found a fossil showing an early snake form in the process of losing its legs. Again, another little piece of information emerges to "fill in a gap", further reinforcing the strength of the theoretical model that rests as the foundation of evolution models.

Then, we get to add another lovely little find hominid fossils in Ethiopia that further reinforce the estimated lineage of homo sapiens through a series of predecessor species. Then, as if to push another nail or two into the sarcophagus of the pseudo science variations on creation, this discovery fills in some more of the informational gap around the fossil known as "Lucy".

Of course, biblical creationists will continue to dispute evolution theory - but it get's damned hard to claim that Genesis is factual when the weight of evidence ever so steadily keeps tilting away from it.


huitzilin said...

Don't worry. The creationists/fundamentalists will find something with which they'll disagree, and then claim it as irrefutable evidence. It's astounding where blind faith will take you.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating how faith is 'blind'.


Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: