You know that they are settling in for the long haul when Marketing becomes part of the War Effort.
So - the Pentagon, in concert with BushCo, is busy trying to rename the awkwardly named "War on Terror" something like "The Long War". It no doubt will be if these dipwits keep on throwing their weight around with heavy weapons instead of actually pursuing the terrorists.
Of course, tanks in the streets of a far off land make good television footage. Covert operations don't. I've argued it before, and I'll continue to argue that if BushCo was truly serious about taking down the terrorists, they'd be spending the several billion a month that it's costing to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan on covert operations that hollow out the terrorist organizations from the inside.
Instead, they continue a heavy armor approach to warfare.
A progressive voice shining light into the darkness of regressive politics. Pretty much anything will be fair game, and little will be held sacred.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
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Oh, I've known that this war has little to do with "terrorism" per se since day one.
I simply can't resist the option to slap the official "logic" on the matter about from time to time.
While a FUBAR that makes Vietnam look like a minor tactical error emerges, we might as well get the popcorn out and watch the show.
People are beginning to recognize that the problem with a War on Terror (or a War on Drugs) is that "terror" can't sign an armistice. Thus the renaming to "The Long War" (coming soon, the "War of Eternal Vigilance").
Hopefully the Democrats will grow enough of a spine after the midterm elections to ITMFA!
I believe in making the punishment fit the crime - in this case, a nice long sojourn in Guano Bay sounds like a nice start, followed by running the gauntlet through beautiful downtown Baghdad...if they survive that, then we'll talk about punishments...
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