Friday, June 30, 2006

Of Agendas, Hidden And Otherwise

Go read Heather Mallick's column.

This is the face of the lobbyists that have the ear of Stephen Harper's party.

Perhaps more worrisome is the "Pro-Life Caucus" that has taken shape on Parliament Hill. Take a look at the list of names - especially from the CPC. There are some very influential people listed there, and conspicuously no cabinet members. (Of course not - Harper's smart enough - and strict enough - to make sure his Cabinet isn't visible on that front, but when Parliamentary Secretary (to the Prime Minister, no less) Jason Kenney is part of the caucus, you know the influence is there. (How long would it take to connect someone on that list with this bunch - I'd wager not so very long)

I've said it ever since last November - Harper's got an agenda, and it's not what he's saying it is. Yes, he's rigidly sticking to his talking points from the last election - but that's part of the point. He's not talking about anything else, and when we see little glimpses of it (e.g. buying "strategic lift" capability for the military), it tends to mirror GWB's crowd in the US. Harper's talking points from last election are a facade, and behind it is something that he really doesn't want us to see. (Those of us who've lived in Alberta for a while have seen it, up close and personal - and it's ugly - very ugly)

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