Saturday, June 10, 2006

Abbreviated Stephen Harper:

"I don't understand it, so you're not interested"

Over here, we learn that according to Stephen Harper, "most Canadians" aren't interested in the details of something as complex as the equalization issue.

Wrong again, Stephen. Most Canadians may struggle with understanding it, but that doesn't mean they are not interested in it. As citizens of this nation, and the equalization framework being as important to Canada's egalitarian framework as universal health care is, you better damned well believe we have an "interest" in the topic.

Of course, along with a lot of other things to come out of Harper, it's obvious he's only interested in what he's thought of (and he didn't think of equalization).

In the latest attempt at spin-doctoring his positions through the last year or so (and in particular, the last election), we find HarperCrit claiming that his promises on the equalization formula are now "preferences":

But Harper maintains that situation isn't a violation of one of his campaign promises.

During the last election, Harper promised to remove non-renewable resource money from the equalization formula, a change that would have added hundreds of millions of federal dollars to Saskatchewan's coffers.

However, during an interview with Calgary radio host Dave Rutherford on Friday, Harper described his election pledge as a "preference."

The man's one of two things - a hypocrite or a liar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually the part that gets me is the fact that he obviously thinks that only he is smart enough to understand _complex_ issues. He has used this type of line before and quite frankly I find it insulting.


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