Sunday, March 05, 2006

Good Grief - Do They EVER Learn?

With Afghanistan slowly degenerating, and Iraq on the verge of civil war, the U.S. administration is busy flapping its yap at at Iran.

For crying out loud, they've already got open conflict on two fronts, and they want to add a third?? Bolton and his masters aren't merely dense, they seem to be adding a whole new definition to the term. The US economy cannot afford to open conflict on another front, even if they have allies from other nations involved.

(Of course, looking at the US political scene, the Republicans may well like this notion just fine. The next president is doomed to overseeing the US as it starts to recover from the mess that Bush Jr. has left in his wake - no matter the party stripe. Extracting themselves from Iraq will be an expensive and messy process, and I can only imagine what the state of the economy will be after two more years of these sabre-rattling clowns)

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