Sunday, March 05, 2006

Excoriating Columnists

Back here I shredded Michael Coren's little "women should stay home" diatribe for the idiocy it is. Today, we are treated to Licia Corbella dissecting Mr. Coren with the pages of his oh-so-vaunted scripture. - Enjoy...

Then, we are treated to John Crosbie singing Stephen Harper's praises for the last few weeks bungling - starting here, stumbling through to last week's idiocy about "accountable" government.

I think Mr. Crosbie may be losing his grip on reality here. I fail to see how you can bitch and moan about Belinda Stronach crossing the floor and then turn around and defend David Emerson as some kind of act of political genius. I always thought that Crosbie was smarter than this - but recently he has turned into a nearly blind apologist for Stephen Harper's brand of CPC.

Sorry, Mr. Crosbie, but you got it wrong in the worst way. So far, Harper's first few stumbling weeks have made Joe Clark's tenure in the PMO look like it was sheer genius.

On a more positive note, Linda Williamson is one of the few people to have apparently read the recent Supreme Court ruling on the carrying of a Kirpan in school. As she points out, even though the object is a knife, and therefore a weapon of sorts, one has never been used in a violent offense in Canada's history. (If this starts to change, then I'll start advocating for a change)

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