Monday, February 06, 2006

Failing to Grasp The Message

I wasn't planning on any further commentary on the utter stupidity of the protests over these "blasphemous cartoons".

But then, someone had to show up at a rally in London dressed as a Suicide Bomber. Really - how bright was that move? You want to convince me that the most outrageous of the illustrations (the one with Mohammed's turban shown as a bomb) is true? Apparently, this particular rocket scientist said he was trying to underscore "double standards" - apparently he utterly missed his own.

Radical cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed told Radio 4's Today programme that in Islam, whoever insulted a prophet must be "punished and executed".

"We are not saying ourselves to go there and start to look to him and kill him, we are not talking about that. We are talking about Islamic rules. If anybody insults the prophet, he will have to take a punishment," he said.

Uh-huh. Sure pal. I believe you about as far as I can toss you right now.

Generally speaking, I don't much care what faith group someone belongs to - I'm not likely to taunt them (at least not intentionally). However, start flinging around threats, and I get annoyed. First of all, if you want me to respect your faith, give me a reason to respect it. Tell me about it - calmly and rationally - I don't much care for the irrational chest thumping that seems common among fanatics.

If portraying your prophet is such a heinous act, then explain all of the artwork (much of it rather beautiful) done over the centuries that Muslim Artists have created, please. Especially if you are going to run around burning buildings, and levying threats against those who would "blaspheme" your faith.

(Of course, I don't really expect any of the illiterate goons involved in the riots to do that - I suspect their "outrage" has more to do with opportunity to get away with mayhem than anything genuinely seated in the words and spirit of the Q'ran)

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