Saturday, December 31, 2005

Earth To Pope Benedict XVI

... Message Follows ...

Please go and invent that time machine that you so clearly want and zap yourself back to the 10th Century AD or so. While you're at it, please take these nitwits with you.

In his year end address Pope Benedict once again has demonstrated a rigidity of thought and philosophy that can only be called shameful.

At his first "Te Deum" service of year-end thanksgiving, Benedict praised deepening dialogue with those of other faiths but he restated his concern that the traditional Christian family was in crisis.

The 78-year-old German-born Pope recalled a June 6 speech in which he condemned same-sex unions as fake and expressions of "anarchic freedom" that threatened the future of the family.

He had also condemned divorce, artificial birth control and trial marriages.

I hate to point out the painfully obvious, but there is nothing about any of these issues that "puts the family in crisis". The only crisis is manufactured in the calcified minds of people who want to write the rules for the rest of the world. (Notably, by his vows, the pope is a non-participant in marriage, family rearing etc...)

Of course, by condemning divorce and birth control, the Pope has signalled that he'd be very happy to return to his idealized 10th century world - where women were chattels, and birth control was restricted mostly to herbal creations, and "rhythm methods". Of course, the genius that wrote this piece of intellectual manure is similarly out of touch with the reality of the modern world (not to mention basic biology).

In case the Pope hasn't noticed, the world's population is in serious danger of outstripping the available resources - if it hasn't already done so.

I am not entirely sure what he means by "trial marriages" - I assume he refers to what is better known in Canada as a "common law" marriage. If that's the case, I hate to point out the obvious to him, but it's been happening a lot longer than he's been alive - not unlike pre-marital sex (anyone else care to explain the bride that amazingly produces the first offspring in less than 9 months from the date of marriage?).

I'm sure that people like James Dobson must be positively in love with Pope Benedict XVI - after all, they seem to be similarly inclined to ignore the realities of the world, clinging to social fantasies that never have existed.


Anonymous said...

When does he announce the inquisition and urge us to go on crusade?

MgS said...

I'm not so sure that the Inquisition has ever gone away.

Prior to becoming Pope, Ratzinger was in charge of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - formerly known as "Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition".

I hate to be cynical, but the Catholic Church has never dropped anything - I suspect that the call to arms of The Crusades has merely become a political call to arms - attack through legislation rather than by sword.

Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: