Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Bush must be desperate for a new 'enemy'

I have to wonder just how desperate BushCo. is for a new war to prosecute. Earlier this week, American officials revealed that they have "evidence" linking Syria to last week's bombing in Israel; then Bush claims a unity of world opinion vis a vis Syria's presence in Lebanon today. Further, he is now issuing demands that Syria pull out of Lebanon, with implied threats attached.

Considering how messy Iraq has been the last few days, one would be hard-pressed to say that the place is "stable" even in the most optimistic of fantasy worlds. I can only imagine that the sudden zeal to excise Syria from Lebanon has relatively little to do with "liberating" either the Lebanese or Syrian peoples. Those within Bush's administration that believe deeply in the notion of a biblical apocalypse soon to unfold want a war in the Middle East at all costs, thus fulfilling one of the many events prophesied in the Book of Revelations, and hastening (they think), the second coming of Christ.

More realisitically, I have to wonder what the next noxious little legislative trick BushCo. have up their sleeves is. Usually when BushCo. starts rattling their sabres abroad, they are about to unveil something particularly smelly in law.

There's no doubt in my mind that the rather abrupt escalation of rhetoric towards Syria is fishy - very fishy. Something doesn't quite add up.


Anonymous said...


"President Bush Highlights Faith-Based and Community Initiative"

And I THOUGHT that the election down in the states was based on "Blind Faith in Bush & Co."...


It would be quite interesting to note which particular sections in the book of revelations that Bush is trying to fulfill.

See - Bush's dreams DO come true... If he can't have the apocalypse (during which, one must wonder, will he be given a lollipop, pat on the head and written into the "book of life"?), then he is going to generate one all by his lonesome...

There is wisdom about poking a lion with a stick - eventually it tires of the game and has a "Tasty Snack" (TM). Bush seems to have the stick part mastered, but he might be a little unclear on the desirability of the eventual "Tasty Snack" outcome...

Anonymous said...

In a discussion with a friend, they made an apt point... Bush is looking for "The Rapture".

Ah, religious zealots unite?

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