Thursday, March 17, 2005


I made the mistake of listening to the news on the way home today. In it, I hear King Ralph pronouncing on same-gender marriage again.

Quoth Ralph:

"Caucus did not buy that. They bought the political argument that even if it is moot, and even if it can't be used, we ought to leave it as it is. That is, to leave it in the legislation and wait and see what the feds do," Klein said.
So, Ralph, not only do you believe that you have the right to create law, you apparently also believe that the Conservative government in Alberta is NOT subject to law as well.

It's time for the citizens of this province to wake up and smell the coffee. These idiots have been in power so long that they actually believe their own special brand of crap.

Frankly, I don't care if Klein likes same-gender marriages or not - that's not the point. In fact, the whole issue is not the point. The point is that Ralph Klein and his band of mean-spirited morons now seem to think that they are no longer subject to the laws of the country.

I believed it was time to lose these low-lifes years ago, now I'm convinced that Alberta's government has descended into the realm of the same tin-pot despots that theoretically George Bush wants to depose in the Middle East.

Ralph - quit waving your flaccid muscles about, and get on with the real business of governing this province. Or better yet, get out and let the electorate put someone in that actually respects more than their own over-inflated sense of self-importance.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Tories are famous for claiming to be "law abiding" citizend, but will ignore the rule of law when it becomes inconvinient to their goals.

The society they claim to want to save, they'll destroy with their ignorance of the rule of law.


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