Sunday, February 06, 2005

Simply Clueless

I was browsing through the news this afternoon, and discovered the following bit of enlightened thinking from one of our MLAs. What a lovely thought, so not only are the blinkered twits in Edmonton prepared to fight tooth and nail against same-gender marriage, they are perfectly willing to disallow civil marriages of any sort in order to get their narrow-minded view of the world imposed on the rest of us.

However, Mr. Morton's logic is flawed in one key dimension - two churches have long ago signalled their willingness to bless same-gender marriages: The United Church of Canada and the Unitarian Church. Yes, Ted Morton, Alberta could choose to only allow marriages that are sanctified in a church to take place in Alberta's borders. But that doesn't stop same-gender marriages from happening.

Also, there is the notion of transportability. By tradition and law, a marriage celebrated in one part of Canada is recognized elsewhere in the country. Therefore, same-gender marriages that take place in B.C. or Saskatchewan must be recognized in Alberta. In other words, Mr. Morton, like it or not, Alberta must deal with same-gender couples whether or not some blinkered twit like you thinks otherwise.

Technically speaking, this is The Province of Alberta, part of the larger nation known as Canada. It is NOT the Conveniently Theocratic Republic of Alberta, Governed by Ralph the Ignominous.

The clowns screaming blue murder in this province about same-gender marriage simply reinforce the notion that the rest of Canada has that Alberta is populated primarily by a bunch redneck rubes stuck somewhere in the arcane depths of the social 19th century.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure that it is not the Conveniently Theocratic Republic of Alberta, Governed by Ralph the Ignominous?

Anonymous said...

As I like to say to my Vancouver friends when they come to visit:

"Welcome to Alberta, please set your watches back 50 years".


MgS said...

There are two things I am quite sure of:

1) This isn't a Theocratic Republic

2) Social regressivism in AB is mostly confined to Bible Belt region. (And as Quixote points out, they're about 50 odd years in arrears)

Anonymous said...

Which, if you're correct and are 50 years behind the times, they'll be hitting the 1960's in 5 years... then what a swinging province this will be!!!

Ok probably not... though it would appear that Ralph and Co. have their heads so far up their asses it looks like their heads are on their shoulders...


Anonymous said...

Wasn't it bad enough living through the 60's and 70's once? I just can't WAIT for bell bottoms and disco to come back in style...

...Oh! Right. The kids are a couple of years ahead of the times...

“Archbishop Bannon” versus “Unelected President Musk”

 If you had any illusions about MAGA having taken on cult-like traits, you only need to read some of Bannon’s statements in this article . H...