Okay, this is getting ridiculous. The religious reich is seeing a queer in every closet these days!
The so-called "Traditional Values Coalition" has this lovely article slamming Shrek 2 for the unimaginable sin of having a cross-dressing character. I suppose, by their logic, that M*A*S*H was equally dangerous - after all, Klinger was walking around in dresses all the time, and we occasionally saw Maj. Burns (aka "Ferret Face") with his toenails painted. Omigod - the world's going to end!
Let's not forget the recent allegations made that Spongebob Squarepants is a 'gay plant' of some kind. Get real! It's a children's cartoon for goodness' sake! Granted, I've never seen a Spongebob cartoon - apparently the complaint is that he holds hands with another male character from time to time. I gather that men aren't supposed to touch other human beings? They're not supposed to hold hands with their children??? What the heck kind of nonsense is that?
The mass hysteria in the Christian Reich is astonishing - and somewhat disturbing with decidedly McArthy-esque overtones to it. (Better dead than red, and a commie under every bed)
The Christian Reich is going so overboard in their anti-gay crusade lately that any kind of physical contact between males is going to be seen as taboo unless its a fist being swung. Ever watched a football huddle, or a rugby scrum - omigod, the scandal - they touched each other on the butt!. Men are not rocks, they are human and need human contact just like everybody else. Our society is prudish enough as it is - why is it that women can be very "touchy-feely" with each other an nobody objects, but as soon as two men do the same thing, it's a scandal?
- These clowns need to take a reality pill or two.
(BTW - the column that got this tirade started is here - I actually happen to agree with it - my irritation with narrow-minded dolts apparently got the better of me...)
A progressive voice shining light into the darkness of regressive politics. Pretty much anything will be fair game, and little will be held sacred.
Friday, February 25, 2005
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OMG, something must be wrong with me. I just finished reading Jose' Rodriguez and I found myself agreeing with him ..... weird (There just might be a mind sucking alien kicking around my place).
Ah, aren't we CONSISTANT?
On one hand we are supposed to be tolerant (of gays, persons of colour, the disabled)... yet, is this the message that we are sending to our children?
Ok Kids - we are all equal... nothing wrong with the disabled, with people of a different race, or with gays... but we CAN'T have two men/boys holding hands as it might send our kids the wrong message.
Next we will see the list of banned books coming out of the states... Pinnocio because his nose is a phallic symbol... Sleeping Beauty because she is a sex symbol... Little Red Riding Hood because of the violence... But it's all OK because our kids can watch it all on mainstream TV - sex, drugs, violence and brutal murders. It's only a problem if it's a cartoon!
I'd almost think you were joking about lists of banned books - sadly, the Religious Reich would dearly love to do that.
According to them "Harry Potter" teaches - get this - Witchcraft. Yeah - right. If Harry Potter teaches witchcraft then 90% of the people I know should be full-fledged necromancers or worse by now. (Because goodness knows we've read enough other stuff that makes Harry Potter look pretty tame...)
And what of those of us who have read Lovecraft? Does that immediately turn us into the devil incarnate?
And if anyone will harken back to the DARK days of D&D and how various religious based educational institutes attempted to ban it.
Ah, yes... it "caused" suicides, murders, devil worship and other anti-social behaviour... was it not?
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