Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Putting it all in Perspective

Look around the world today - it's not a pretty picture.

In Iraq, kidnappings and bombings are the activities of the day.

In Israel, the Israelis are continuing to blame the Palestinians for all the violence taking place in that region. (Of course, none of this could have _anything_ to do with armed occupation and subjugation of the Palestinians, could it?)

Yesterday, it came out that the US may be actively engaging in setting the stage for invading Iran. (A little behind schedule, based on what I've speculated in the past)

Southeast Asia is digging out from a Tsunami that killed 150,000 in a matter of minutes.

In countries like Nigeria, religiously driven laws are being used to sentence women to death - for no better reason than getting pregnant outside of a marriage.

So, why, in Canada, are people getting all tied in knots over the notion of two people in love getting married? It somehow seems so trivial.

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