Friday, March 17, 2006

Allow Me To Introduce...

Stephen Harper, Dictator.

Taking a page out of Ralph Klein's playbook, Stephen Harper is muzzling his cabinet.

Before you go off telling me how the Liberals did this all the time, and it's really nothing more than "Party Discipline" being applied, I need to point out a few things:

1) Harper is an autocrat. He doesn't like people challenging him, and he very much likes to retain control of the situation.

2) Take a look at his response to calls for a Parliamentary Debate around Canada's mission in Afghanistan - it's twofold:

a. a flat "no" answer, with other verbage suggesting that such a thing would be "unpatriotic".

b. a mysterious "secret trip" which turns out to be a photo-op run into Kandahar. (Please note the way the media was handled severely limited their ability to report objectively on what happened)

3) David Emerson and Michael Fortier. Remember, these appointments come from the same man who spent months whining incessantly about the Liberals doing the same things.

If you thought that Jean Chretien was "The Little Dictator", I submit that Stephen Harper is even more autocratic than Chretien was.

Given how eager Harper appears to be to get all cuddly and cozy with this warmonger, who is busy trying to start a war with Iran, when the mess he made over in Iraq has yet to be cleaned up, leadership like this scares the bejeezus out of me.

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