Sunday, January 05, 2014

He's Back ...

It's been quite a while since we saw anything about Craig Chandler in the political sphere in Alberta.  It's not that he's gone away - his twitter feed has been fairly active, and he publishes the occasional column in "The Calgary Beacon".

However, a thread of discussion on Facebook caught my attention yesterday.  In it he tipped his hand about what he is up to politically:

Sure enough, if you go to his personal website, it has changed once again, and has the initial appearance of being the starting point for some kind of campaign website.

I don't have enough inside knowledge of what is going on in the Alberta PC party, but I do find it interesting that Mr. Chandler is claiming to have been approached by people in the party as a prospective candidate.  The last time Chandler attempted this, it did not end well.

Since there are no by-elections pending in Alberta right now, it's hard to guess when and where Chandler will stake his candidacy next.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. Is Alison Redford trying to pick up the theocon extremists that Wildrose is losing? The AB right-wing schism continues....

MgS said...

Not sure at this point. It could also be that a faction within the party is working to build up its own influence to oust Redford.

I did find it notable how quickly Liepert bailed after Redford was chosen to replace Stelmach ...

kitt said...

Liepert supported Redford running federally against Ron Andres a few years ago. Why would anyone think that he baled?

MgS said...

Politics makes for strange bedfellows at times.

While Liepert might have supported Redford in trying to topple Rob Anders, that doesn't mean that he's ideologically aligned with her. (and supporting a move to get rid of Anders is a 'no-brainer', in my books)

He jumped ship quite soon after Redford became leader, and before an upcoming election. Since then, Redford has had to unwind some of his more destructive decisions as Minister of Health.

It is unclear to me at this point if Redford is an ideological ally to Liepert or not. Some actions of hers suggest yes (e.g. Bills 45 & 46), some suggest not. I can't tell if with Bills 45 & 46 she is pandering to the faction of the party that supported Stelmach or not.

The UCP AGM Resolutions - Part 2

 Yesterday, I talked about how fully 1/3 of the resolutions in the upcoming UCP AGM were distinctly anti-transgender .  Today, I want to loo...