Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just Whose Interpretation Is That, Stephen?

Every day that Harper occupies the PMO, I swear you can see the man's chin lengthening as he emulates the terminally dishonest antics of the last Conservative leader to win an election, Brian Mulroney.

The latest gem to fall from his lips:

“This is the same story as before,” he said. “We always follow the law as it has been interpreted.”

Mr. Harper said Elections Canada's position now is that some Tory ad expenditures should have been charged to the national budget, not local budgets.

“We do not agree with that,” he said following a meeting with his U.S. and Mexican counterparts on trade and North American security.

How convenient, so now the Con$ "don't agree" with Elections Canada's view of the rules. Horsefeathers - they knew they were being dodgy about the whole business, and now they are trying to cover the mound of crap they left with tarpaper.

Typical. In Stephen's world, there are two sets of rules - the ones he applies to everybody else, and the ones that apply to him and his Con$ervative allies.

The prime minister said if the agency's reading of the rules prevails, then the Tories will change their spending strategies.

But he said all the other parties will have to follow suit.

Ah yes - the classic Con$ervative modus operandi of accusing everyone else of their weaknesses. Since Elections Canada doesn't seem to be finding any evidence of the other parties engaging in such a ridiculous attempt at money laundering, I have to suspect that Harper has no proof of what he is insinuating here.

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