Tuesday, September 05, 2006

T Minus 14 Days...

With Parliament scheduled to resume sitting in two weeks, the marriage squawking has begun.

The closed minds that reside over at Defend Marriage Canada are gearing up their lobbying machine to try and persude MPs to reopen the debate.

The fact that McVety (and other narrow minded twits) are gearing up their campaigns of ignorance is no surprise. The so called "traditional marriage" crowd keep on bleating about how allowing same-sex couples to marry is "undermining" society (an assertion that makes no sense to me) and spewing all sorts of assertions about GLBT people and their "lifestyle" that are based not in reality, but in the fantasyland of their stereotypes.

As Equal Marriage Canada points out, OVER 10,000 MARRIAGE LICENCES ISSUED - Why won't Mr. Harper move on?. The world hasn't ended, nor is it likely to, because a few thousand same-sex couples wish to marry. The simple fact is that it is a small percentage of the population, and in the long run, same-gender marriages will account for an equally small percentage of the population.

Over the next fourteen days or so, expect to hear the level of bleating from the neo-Christian right to wind up to full panic. If nothing else, it should turn out to be something quasi humorous to watch - especially now that there's actually a few years of marriage licenses out there now, without any catastrophic collapse of society.

1 comment:

Temujin said...

The "catastrophic collapse of society" argument was not made by conservatives in Canada (and it's arguable that it was made in the US). Instead, the slippery-slope argument was invoked, since there are plenty of other people who want their marriages to be sanctioned by the government (see Bountiful, B.C.).

As well, Social Conservatives feel that morality is being legislated upon them by a minority of justices and government representatives. Something that atheists and liberals have been crying about for ages.

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