Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Is Harper Gnawing Off His Own Leg?

Stephen Harper's guidance of the Conservative Party is truly a sad spectacle to behold these days.

Last week, he grossly overplayed his hand by moving to adjourn Parliament for three days in succession, a move which is truly irritating to many Canadians.

Also, not helping Mr. Harper's cause so much these days are a number of MPs from the Maritime provinces who are getting a bit of hostile feedback from their constituencies over the Atlantic Accord. (Ah yes, the joys of minority governments - when all but the most secure of MPs actually have to listen to the feedback from their voters - all of them!)

This week, when Prime Minister Martin is asking - legitimately - for a return to civility in the proceedings of the House of Commons, the Conservatives release a new batch of so-called "Attack Ads" for Canadians to endure on their television screens. Brillian move, boys. Just what were you thinking? Canadians are already annoyed with both your rhetoric and hijinx in the House of Commons, and you think we want to listen/watch you attempt to slag the Liberals on TV? Give me a break. (Besides - I think the Liberals are doing a good enough job of slagging themselves lately)

Then, to add to the mess, I see in this morning's headlines that Belinda Stronach has crossed the floor to sit as a Liberal MP. You could argue that it is mere "sour grapes" because Ms. Stronach lost to Stephen Harper in the Conservative leadership campaign. Or, just maybe, it is an indictment of Harper's leadership of late. Ms. Stronach is not stupid, and just might be a little less than comfortable with Harper's overdone "Angry White Man" routine - which seems to be failing entirely to resonate with anyone outside of Alberta. (and even in Alberta, there seems to be an amazing degree of antipathy towards his tactics of late).

For people like me, Stronach represented a more moderate aspect of the Conservative party - one with a good business sense, and at the same time enough understanding of people issues to strike a balance. That she has crossed the floor raises once again the question of just what the forces behind the scenes in the Conservative Party are playing for. I know that the Theo-Cons in the party are crying out for the repayment of a political debt. One can only imagine the machinations going on in the back rooms these days.

The Conservatives - no matter which incarnation you look at - are notorious for "eating their own young" when things don't go their way, but I must admit, this is the first time I've seen the leadership of the party so desperate in their lust for power that they would actually chew off their own legs.

[UPDATE: 17/05/05 14:00]:

It appears that the grapes are a bit sour...this just in from Mr. Harper...

As a programmer, Harper's actions translate to the following:

WHILE ( Self.Foot_Still_Attached() == TRUE )
Self.Shoot( FOOT ) ;


Anonymous said...

From what I've been reading in the press, Belinda didn't get on well with what appears to be the large contingent of theo-cons that seem to be filling the federal Tories. This would seem to indicate that Harper and his crowd are set to take the party back towards the right, which doesn't bode well for their electoral success outside of Alberta.



MgS said...

Which, given the attitude that Harper has been exhibiting would be good news for Canada.

(I saw a speculative guess that Harper might make a run to replace Ralph if he gets excised from the leadership - one can hope that his ego outsizes the Edmonton Premier's Office.

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