Thursday, April 28, 2005

A New Ambassador from Washington

So, the Great Bush is sending a new emissary to convey his messages to the great unwashed masses that live in Canada.

Granted, almost anyone would be an improvement on Paul Cellucci who acted as though it was his duty to dictate to Canadians how we should conduct ourselves.

However, his replacement is hardly someone that I'm optimistic about. David Wilkins is from South Carolina, and apparently knows very little about Canada. I can't imagine this is going to improve relations with Washington.

With the policy coming from the White House still coming from the same testosterone fuelled aggression that has launched two wars in the Middle East, and squandered what little credibility the US has on the world stage, Wilkins will be sorely challenged to put a spin on things that makes Canadians feel more comfortable with his masters in Washington.

On top of that, we get to spend the next four years educating another clueless American from the deep south about the 'Great White North'. Cellucci never bothered to learn anything about Canada - he simply spent his time hectoring us about how we weren't toadying up to Bush's delightful policies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will he be coming up here to live in an igloo and roast bannock on a stick?

I would love to see him arrive in Ottawa in June wearing muclucs and a heavy parka...

Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: