Thursday, April 14, 2005

Looking Forward on the World Stage

In my web travels today, I found the following lurking on Alternet:

Goodbye Uncle Sam, Hello Team Europe

In essence, the author captures much of what I suspect is likely to pass in the next few years - especially if BushCo. continue to hurtle out of control on the world stage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

American economic power has been in decline as the EU's has ascended. Couple that with the Asian market and the US has found itself being unable to control the global economy with soft power.

The problem for the US, of course, is that invading it's prime economic competitors isn't an option, so they'll invade their suppliers.


“Archbishop Bannon” versus “Unelected President Musk”

 If you had any illusions about MAGA having taken on cult-like traits, you only need to read some of Bannon’s statements in this article . H...