Friday, January 31, 2025

What If Trump's Health Is Failing?

There's a bundle posts on YouTube and other places on the Internet speculating wildly about Trump's health, and whether or not he will live through the entirety of his second term as President of the United States.  I get it - he's such an awful person that any little straw of hope is better than nothing.  

But, frankly it doesn't matter, and here's why.  It's no longer about Trump - at this point, he's the pitch man and that's about it.  He'll do what others tell him to do as long as someone funnels another million into his bank accounts somewhere that it can't be touched - and that kind of transactional stupidity is straight up oligarchy. 

Look at Trump's nomination for various cabinet and other high in the government positions.  They are all obscenely wealthy, and frankly utterly unqualified for the positions they hold.  There are so many probably and overt conflicts of interest in these appointments it's bonkers.  Then we get to the half dozen or so utterly looney appointments like RFK Jr. - a man whose cheese slid off his cracker a long time ago. 

Most of these people are the types who think along the lines Ayn Rand did - if you aren't ridiculously wealthy, you are a parasite leeching off other "more productive people".  The reality is, of course, quite the opposite - most of these people got ridiculously wealthy by a combination of family wealth, scamming the hell out of people, and lastly off the backs of honest workers that they see as patsies for their schemes. 

Trump's cabinet is a veritable "rogues gallery" of people who are setting up for a smash-and-grab theft on a scale that the world hasn't seen since Putin and his oligarchs pushed Yeltsin out of office.  They aren't moving to make a "smaller, more efficient government", they're going to break it up and sell it to themselves.  The level of self-dealing that is going to happen will be stunning, and every one of them will walk away with their wallets bulging just a little more than they already do - and you the taxpayer will be paying more in fees as they try to monetize every single transaction.

Now, let's say Trump falls over dead tomorrow.  JD Vance steps in and takes over as President.  Do you think Vance is going to do anything to slow down what has already begun?  The odds are very good he won't - as long as the oligarchs pass a few million each to keep their posts.  

What we have been witnessing since January 20 is the installation of what will become an oligarchy government.  Even if there is an election in 2028, it will be at best a show process, and there may be a turnover in the cabinet, but by then the senior layers of the bureaucracy will one way or another be beholden to the oligarchs either through direct ownership of government agencies as "free enterprise businesses", or plain old corruption. 

Trump is an old man now - he will be Theodin to Musk's Grima Wormtongue.  Whether he survives or not really doesn't matter.  

Thursday, January 02, 2025

“Archbishop Bannon” versus “Unelected President Musk”

 If you had any illusions about MAGA having taken on cult-like traits, you only need to read some of Bannon’s statements in this article.

He instructed Musk to “sit back and study” to understand MAGA’s - and what supporters believed was Trump’s - America First stance to keep U.S. jobs for Americans.

“They’re recent converts,” Bannon saidTuesday on his War Roompodcast, referring to Musk and other tech-world Trump supporters.

“We love converts,” Bannon noted. “But the converts sit in the back and study for years and years and years to make sure you understand the faith and you understand the nuances of the faith and understand how you can internalize the faith.”

This is Bannon putting himself in the place of being the high priest of MAGA, and setting up for quite the “palace power struggle” once Trump is sworn into office.  Interesting stuff.  

While it’s been clear for quite some time that MAGA is very cult-like, deliberately avoiding facts for whatever conspiracy theory of the day has been ladled out to them through the disinformation networks.  The idea that Trump has been “persecuted” by the Biden administration because of the criminal prosecutions that stem from his actions both before becoming President in 2016, and leading up to the Jan 6 storming of the capitol.  

Bannon talking about “new converts” is very interesting all by itself - speaking quite directly to the quasi-religious nature of MAGA as a system of beliefs.  I might disagree that there is anything systemic about MAGA beliefs, but then Bannon goes on to talk about “studying” the faith for “many years”.  That itself is also very intriguing language.  

MAGA is, at best a collection of conspiracy theories and counter-factual narratives - it hardly has a coherent narrative that one would expect from a formal religion.  However, Bannon seems to be positioning himself as the “Speaker for MAGA” in Trump’s circle - and that all by itself is interesting.  Clearly he sees himself in the role of the cleric at the shoulder of the king, advising the king on how to keep the peasants happy.  

To the extent that he can do that, it makes Bannon potentially quite politically powerful - and certainly a rival to players like Musk and Ramaswamy in the Trump White House.  However, it’s also a dangerous conceit for Bannon to think that a volatile rabble like MAGA is going to obey his word.  The issue will come to a head when Trump and Bannon disagree on something that Musk / Ramaswamy want to do.  

At its most fundamental level, MAGA is about self interest and deifying ignorance and feelings over knowledge and evidence.  Musk is ultimately about his own self-interest, but his self-interest is not going to align with that of most individual MAGA followers - the ones who currently believe Bannon - but will they believe Bannon when Trump aligns himself with Musk?  Or will they pivot to following Trump’s word?  

Bannon might be the high priest, but Trump is their putative saviour … 

Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: