Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Not A Trans Person … Again

Last week, it came out that The Calgary Stampede _KNEW_ about, and did nothing to stop a child molester working in their midst. This isn’t a couple of middle managers “knowing about” and dropping the ball, it’s the board - the senior executives.   Then this morning, I awoke to the following headline out of Australia: “Childcare worker charged with sex abuse of 91 children”.

It’s been like this for a while.  Every day there are headlines about child molesters appearing.  They’re often people in positions of trust and authority - group leaders, coaches, pastors, priests, and so on.  Ten minutes with any reasonable search engine turns up a plethora of cases in the headlines - all of them recent.  I shudder to think how many cases don’t make it into the headlines - because media still only prints the most salacious of cases. 

What do these cases have in common?  It is almost never someone who is transgender (ie - in my quick look this morning, I found exactly zero cases involving trans people or drag queens).  While such cases may exist, they are vanishingly rare.  So rare as to suggest that the uproar over transgender people living their lives is clearly vastly overblown. 


Anonymous said...

The Canadian media started out using terms such as transwoman, but now simply lies about sex, omits the "trans" part and goes straight to woman. This makes searches challenging. However, looking for nonsense such as "her penis" or "their penis" brings up delightful tales such as this one: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/scot-flashed-penis-used-sex-26256211

MgS said...

So, finding _ONE_ example of a trans person acting abominably is the best you could do?

Given the veritable torrent of these headlines over the last several years, you found _ONE_ case. Meanwhile it’s a steady stream of pastors, priests, youth group leaders, coaches, etc. with multiple victims each in the headlines.

Maybe trans people isn’t the problem you lot are claiming.

MgS said...

… and since the topic is … you know … sexual abuse / sexual assault, maybe those are the search terms you should be paying attention to - because that’s where the problem lies.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't realize you wanted more than one. This one's close to home. https://twitter.com/Mason134211f/status/1633198646786158592?s=20

Not sure why you're arguing that identifying as trans magically changes the risk of male sexual deviance.

MgS said...

"Not sure why you're arguing that identifying as trans magically changes the risk of male sexual deviance"

Please don't put words in my mouth - that isn't what I have said _AT_ALL_. My larger point with this post is twofold:

a). The vast majority of these cases do not involve offenders who are trans at the time of offence.
b). If you're really concerned about child molesters, the problem isn't trans people - it's often people in positions of trust and systemic blindness that enables those people.

Looking at that case there's a number of things that I want to point out:

1). The person was incarcerated a long time ago, and was handed a dangerous offender designation in 2010. That's a long time ago.
2). It appears that they declared their intention to transition while incarcerated.
3). We (as in you and I) do not have any indication as to their behaviour since beginning their transition.

From that we can make a couple of important observations:

1). We cannot make any inference as to what their behaviour might have been had they transitioned prior to the events that landed them in prison.
2). There is no objective evidence that suggests that transgender women are likely to be sexually violent at the same rate as cisgender men, or not. Nobody has undertaken to study that matter that I'm aware of. Using single cases to claim it applies to the entire population is simply ridiculous.

Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview:   https://podcasts.apple.com/...