Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

PMSH has got to be hating what's oozing out in the wake of L'Affaire Bernier.

OTTAWA–Officials from the Prime Minister's Office and CSIS agents met early this month to discuss Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier's controversial relationship with a woman known to have ties with biker gangs, Liberal MP Ujjal Dosanjh charged yesterday.

The meeting was held between May 1 and 8, according to Dosanjh. May 8 was the day the first news reports appeared detailing Julie Couillard's past romantic links to members of Quebec biker gangs.

Remember, that when Ms. Couillard had security people sweep her home, they told her they suspected that her bed had been bugged for some period of time.

There's two things that come to mind here - first, if CSIS did in fact bug Couillard's home, the question arises around the authority under which they did that; as well as whether or not they could have simply "acquired" the misplaced documents?

I can think of a myriad of different issues here, but the most unsettling is the idea that the PMO thinks it can justify bugging a private residence - when ostensibly, they have "no interest" in the matter. Do you want the government trying to regulate and monitor your bedroom?

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